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Yearly Archives: 2019

Celebration of the 75th Diamond Jubilee of the Polish American Congress

Polish American Congress, Illinois Division, participating in the Celebration of the 75th Diamond Jubilee of the Polish American Congress.  The event took place in...

PAC – Wisconsin Division; Nov. 10th Polish Independence Day – Veterans Day Observance

PAC - Wisconsin Division invites PAC Illinois Division members to join with us that day. During the program we will honor 3 individuals and...

[Updated] 50th Annual Polish American Heritage Awards Banquet

(1) Please read about our Banquet as published in the „Dziesięciu laureatów wyróżnień polsko-amerykańskiego dziedzictwa” article in Dzinnik Zwiazkowy (in Polish). Direct link: http://dziennikzwiazkowy.com/polonia/dziesieciu-laureatow-wyroznien-polsko-amerykanskiego-dziedzictwa/ (2) Modified...

Polish American Congress (IL Div) Met Chicago Mayor Lori Lightfoot at the Heritage...

As part of the Heritage Month celebrations members of the Polish  American Congress (IL Div) participated in a breakfast meeting with Chicago Mayor Lori...

President, Michael Niedzinski, met Malgorzata Gosiewska, Deputy Speaker (Vice Marszalek) of Polish Sejm

Pictured (from left): Consul Piotr Janicki, Deputy Speaker Malgorzata Gosiewska, PACIL President Michael Niedzinski. Mr. Michael Niedzinski, President of the Polish American Congress – Illinois...


For updates please see the following post and photo gallery. https://pacillinois.org/presenting-2019-honorees-50th-annual-polish-american-heritage-awards/ Click on the image below to open PDF version of the document Please show your support...

Soccer Legends of Brazil & Poland Soccer Match – PAC-IL Partnership

Polish American Congress – Illinois Division (PAC-IL) was proud to partner with organizers of the Soccer Legends Cup - Gamma Inc.  This was a very...

PAC-IL at the Opening of the “Fighting and Suffering. Polish Citizens During WWII” Exhibition

Several Board members of the Polish American Congress; Illinois Division (PAC-IL) participated in the opening of the “Fighting and Suffering. Polish citizens during WWII”...

PAC-IL Supports Casey Chlebek for U.S. Senate

Member of the Polish American Congress, Illinois Division, Casey Chlebek, announced his candidacy for U.S. Senate in 2020 Election.  Group of PAC-IL members, and...

Konsulat Generalny RP w Chicago – PRESS RELEASE: Kalendarium Wydarzeń Związanych z 80. Rocznicą...

Konsulat Generalny RP w Chicago Consulate General of the Republic of Poland in Chicago INFORMACJA PRASOWA PRESS RELEASE Obchody 80. rocznicy wybuchu II wojny światowej 80th Anniversary of the...