[Updated on 30 Oct 2019]
(1) Please read about our Banquet as published in the „Dziesięciu laureatów wyróżnień polsko-amerykańskiego dziedzictwa” article in Dzinnik Zwiazkowy (in Polish).
Direct link: http://dziennikzwiazkowy.com/polonia/dziesieciu-laureatow-wyroznien-polsko-amerykanskiego-dziedzictwa/
(2) Modified title
(3) Added new Photo Gallery
[Updated on 26 Oct 2019]
Polish American Congress – Illinois Division proudly presents
2019 Honorees.
The awards ceremony was held during the 50th Annual Polish American Heritage Awards Banquet on October 20, 2019.
2019 Heritage Award
Bishop Thomas John Paprocki
Bishop Paprocki pictured with (from left) Honorable Aurelia Pucinski, Mistress of Ceremonies; Mrs. Bozenna Haszlakiewicz, Banquet Chairwoman; Mr. Michael Niedzinsk, PAC-IL President. – Photo: Andrew Mikolajczyk
Congratulations to all the 2019 Honorees!
– Photo: Andrew Mikolajczyk
Few photos form the banquet courtesy Andrew Mikolajczyk.
Note: For complete biography of each of our Honorees click here.
Most Reverend Thomas John Paprocki
Bishop of the Diocese of Springfield in Illinois
Heritage Award
Richard Owsiany
Civic Award
Lucie Bucki
Community Service Award
Dominic A. Pacyga, Ph.D.
Historian Award
Ewa Milde
Artistic Award
Bogdan Lanko
Artistic Award
Jacek Niemczyk
Media Award
Tom Startek
Philanthropic Award
Martin Obrecki
Public Service Award
Maria Roszek-Kucharski
President’s Award
Please join us at our Heritage Banquet and congratulate 2019 Honorees.