On Saturday April 12th at. 3:00 PM – 5:00 PM at the Daley Center Plaza, 50 West Washington Chicago, IL 60602, was held protest organized the fourth anniversary of the Smolensk Tragedy.
We call on the Polish community in the Chicago area, who values the honor and well being of Poland, to join our protest, which is part of a large Polish community action around the world. Poles are organizing demonstrations at Russian embassies and consulates or – if such is not near their residences – in other public places. The purpose of our manifestation is to protest against the withholding of key evidence and the lack of fairness and transparency in the investigation into the crash of the Polish Air Force One in Smolensk, Russia on April 10, 2010. The investigations conducted thus far by the Russians and Poles do not bring us closer to the truth. After four years, the Poles still do not know the real cause of the death of the President and the top leadership of Poland traveling for the commemorative celebration of the 70th anniversary of the Katyn Massacre. Opinions of the independent experts are systematically ignored or ridiculed.
Here are protesting request:
We demand Russian apology for dishonoring Commander-in-Chief of the Polish Air Force General Andrzej Blasik.
Russia must return the property of Poland which constitutes the key evidence in the investigation of the Smolensk Crash, including:
1 Wreckage of the airplane.
2 Black boxes
3 Aircraft debris and human remains collected by Polish archaeologists at the crash site.
4 All electronic devices belonging to the victims, including mobile phones.
Polish institutions do not stand up for the return of our property which is the most important evidence in the investigation.
We further demand full and fair international investigation, including the following:
1. The work of special security forces both before and after the crash of the Polish Air Force One.
2. The 2009 general overhaul of the Polish Air Force One in Samara, Russia, and all mechanical failures of the aircraft preceding the crash.
3. The work of the flight control group including the “mission” of the aircraft IL -76 in the airspace of the Severny airport short before the crash.
Russia’s intentions outlined by late President Lech Kaczynski in 2008, at the meeting in Tbilisi of the European presidents who wanted to stop the Russian aggression on Georgia, become the reality – now it is Ukraine’s turn. Russia’s true intentions are revealed to the whole world.
It is the responsibility of the Poles and Polish Americans to fight for the truth about Katyn and Smolensk. The Smolensk tragedy must be investigated by an independent international commission according to civilized standards, and the perpetrators must be prosecuted and punished.
The protest committee consists of:
Polish American Congress Illinois Division
Rally Association Katyn Memory and Identity
Association of Remembrance for Victims of Katyn and Smolensk
Association of Polish Institute