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Yearly Archives: 2019

Must Watch TV Series – FLAVOR OF POLAND

Consulate General of the Republic of Poland in Chicago Konsulat Generalny Rzeczypospolitej Polskiej w Chicago PRESS RELEASE – INFORMACJA PRASOWA Announcing the premiere of “Flavor of Poland” Consulate...

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to Our Members and Friends.  Wishing you happy and healthy Christmas Holidays, and prosperity and success in the New Year.

“Warsaw 44” – film about Warsaw Uprising for your consideration

Polish American Congress, Illinois Division, recommends a film “Warsaw 44” for your consideration; it could be viewed on Amazon Prime Video. “’We want to show...

Christmas Celebration Party at the Polish American Congress, Illinois Division

Polish American Congress, Illinois Division, held the Christmas Celebration Party on December 9th, 2019. It was a splendid event that gave an opportunity for...

PAC-IL at the Christmas Celebration at the Cook County Treasurer office in Chicago

Pictured (from left):  Ms. Niedzinski, Mr. Niedzinski, Ms. Pappas and Mr. Graca. Mr. Michael Niedzinski and Mr. Jacek Graca represented Polish American Congress, Illinois Division,...

PACIL attending Christmas Celebration (Opłatek Polonijny) at the Alliance of Polish Clubs in the USA

On December 7th, 2019, Board Members of the Polish American Congress, Illinois Division, attended a traditional Christmas Celebration (Opłatek Polonijny) hosted by the Alliance of...

Dialogue with the Holocaust Museum in Skokie, Illinois

During the meeting on November 25th, 2019 Ms. Kelley H. Szany, Vice President of Education and Exhibitions at the Illinois Holocaust Museum & Education...

Happy Thanksgiving

Wishing You a Happy Thanksgiving Day Full of Joy, Health and Happiness with Your Family and Your Loved Ones Polish American Congress, Illinois Division Życzymy Szczęśliwego Święta Dziękczynienia Pełnego...

PACIL Participates in the Polish Highlander’s Alliance of America 90-th Anniversary Celebration

On November 23th, 2019 the Polish Highlander’s Alliance of America celebrated their 90-th Anniversary. Members of the Polish American Congress - Illinois Division, Mr....

Czy masz nieruchomość w Polsce? Sprawdź czy nie podlega prawu „zasiedzenia”.

(fragment)  „... jeżeli wyjeżdżając … pozostawiłeś mieszkanie lub dom członkom swojej rodziny i nie podpisaliście umowy najmu czy dzierżawy, a upłynął termin, o...