Speech by Irene Moskal- Del Giudice to members of the Polish American Congress

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Dear Members of Polish American Congress!
I am very thankful and grateful for giving me chance to serve as President of Polish American Congress Illinois division for the next year. In fact, I would like to underline that Polish American Congress is one of the oldest Polish-American organizations in the United States. From the beginning, our organization was concentrated on supporting Poland to build sovereign democratic country. As well, our mission statement was focus to help people of Polish heritage in the United States. Therefore, Polish American Congress was curious about public image of Poles in America and was supporting candidates who were running for municipal positions.

Dear Members of Polish American Congress!

I am very thankful and grateful for giving me chance to serve as President of Polish American Congress Illinois division for the next year. In fact, I would like to underline that Polish American Congress is one of the oldest Polish-American organizations in the United States. From the beginning, our organization was concentrated on supporting Poland to build sovereign democratic country. As well, our mission statement was focus to help people of Polish heritage in the United States. Therefore, Polish American Congress was curious about public image of Poles in America and was supporting candidates who were running for municipal positions.

In contrast, today, the role and influence of Polish American Congress is drastically decreasing. Organization that is well known worldwide is no longer dominant as it used to be. I am very disappointed that internal fights between our members are disturbing ordinary functions. Once again, I would like to emphasize that the unity makes us stronger and together we can do more!!!! Poland, the motherland of my parents is very close to me and my heart is Polish. For this reason, I call upon every member for the unity and work together in order to support Poland and our Polish community in the United States.
Due to my lifelong living experience and my professional knowledge I would like to support patriotic initiatives and take care of superior Polish image in the United States. Currently, we have very few Polish descendants that are representing community in politics. We have to understand that in order to be part of the society we must have our own representation. We are obliged to introduce Polish American Congress into young generation and to Polish- Americans who already participate in political life. Our culture and long history force us to accomplish these goals. Dear members, we could have different opinions, however we cannot forget where we came from and where we going to!!!!.
We must shake our hands for common good and for better tomorrow!!!!

Irene Moskal Del Guidice

Drodzy Rodacy!
Szanowni Czlonkowie Kongresu Polonii Amerykanskiej!

Jestem ogromnie wdzieczna i zaszczycona z powodu powierzenia mi prezydentury w Kongresie na kolejny rok dzialalnosci. Pragne podkreslic ze Kongres Polonii Amerykanskiej jest jedna z najstarszych organizacji Polonijnych w Stanach Zjednoczonych. Celem naszej organizacji od poczatku jej powstania bylo wspieranie niepodleglosci Polski oraz budowy demokratycznego kraju. Poza tym nasza dzialalnosc miala na celu wsparcie Polonii w Stanach Zjednoczonych poprzez dbanie o dobry wizerunek publiczny naszych rodakow oraz wspieranie polityczne kandydatow ubiegajacych sie o stanowiska publiczne.
Z przykroscia pragne stwierdzic ze sila oraz znaczenie naszej organizacji ktora jest rozpoznawalna na calym swiecie kazdego roku maleje. Jestem zbulwersowana walka wewnetrzna w naszej organizacji ktora uniemozliwia prowadzenie sprawnej dzialalnosci. Pragne podkreslic, ze w jednosci jest sila i razem mozemy wiecej!!! Pochodzenie moich ojcow jest mi bardzo bliskie i serce moje bije po Polsku!!!!! Dlatego wzywam wszystkich czlonkow z osobna do jednosci oraz pracy dla naszego wspolnego dobra jakim jest Polska oraz nasze wspolne interesy na ziemi Amerykanskiej.
Swoim doswiadczeniem zyciowym oraz zawodowym pragne wspierac wszelakie inicjatywy patriotyczne oraz dbac o dobry wizerunek Polaka w Ameryce. Obecnie, mamy niewielu Polakow na stanowiskach publicznych. Musimy zrozumiec, ze aby byc czescia spoleczenstwa nalezy wspierac oraz zachecac naszych ludzi do aktywnego zaangazowania sie w zycie publiczne. Naszym celem musi byc pozyskanie ludzi mlodych oraz wplywowych ktorzy podniosa organizacje do jej pierwotnego stanu. Nasza kultura i bogata historia nas do tego zobowiazuje i jestem gotowa podjac sie temu wyzwaniu. Kochani, mozemy miec rozne opinie oraz podzielone zdania ale nie zapominajmy z kad sie wywodzimy i dokad zmierzamy.
Podajmy sobie rece do wspolnego dobra i pracy na rzecz lepszego jutra!!!
Irene Moskal Del Guidice