[June 16, 2021]
On June 11, 2021, we celebrated the 1st Year Anniversary of the broadcast of the Polish American Congress, Illinois branch (KPA IL) Radio Program – the Voice of Congress. The ceremony took place in the welcoming rooms of the Copernicus Center.
Walter Bochenek along with Agata Kopacka and Mariola Urbanek hosted our event. Walter showed an unknown vocal talent, even for regular listeners of the program. Leonard Cohen’s song “I am Your Man” performed by Walter was the “hit” of the show.
“Thank You” to Our Sponsors
As a token of appreciation, the following sponsors of the “Voice of Congress” program received commemorative plaques:
- Consulate General of the Republic of Poland
- Country Financial Insurance
- Dziennik Związkowy
- Financial Wealth Alliance
- Joanna Tarnawski
- Maria Pappas
- Montrose Deli
- Polish National Alliance of the U.S. of N.A.
- Polish U.S. Financial, Ltd.
- Roman Catholic Union of America
- Walter Zarnecki
Scholarship Award
Anna Wierzbicki, president of the Polish American Congress Foundation for Illinois, presented a scholarship of $ 500 to Ms. Elżbieta Stękała and Ms. Teresa Stękała. Consul Piotr Semeniuk, on behalf of the Consulate of the RP in Chicago, presented additional $200 to both recipients. Sisters Stękała attend the University of Illinois and showed great commitment to the Polish community, especially the fight to save the Church of St. Adalbert church in Chicago.
Dr. Willie Wilson’s Donations
President of KPA IL, Mirosław Niedziński introduced Dr. Willie Wilson; friend of Poles and Poles in the Chicago area, philanthropist, businessman, author, producer of TV programs, politician and benefactor to several Polish organizations, but most of all a Christian, a man of faith. Dr. Willie Wilson, over the past year, on the initiative of KPA IL, donated over $ 145,000.00 to churches and Polish organizations selected by the president of KPA IL and Dr. Wilson.
During our event, Dr. Willie Wilson along with his assistant, Dr. Liliana Harris, donated the following sums to these organizations:
- “Mały Ludek” PRCU – $2000 – Micheline Jaminski
- Song and Dance Company “WICI”- $2000 – Magdalena Solarz
- Song and Dance Ensemble “Polonia” – $2000 – Anna Krysinski
- Dancers of the Polish Highlanders – $2000 – Józef Cikowski
- Colloquium Cantorum Polonia Choir – $2000 – Arkady Górecki
- Polish Museum in America – $2000 – Ryszard Owsiany
- Radio program “Voice of the Congress” – $3000 – Mirosław Niedziński
The guests present in the room with loud applause expressed their gratitude for the truly generous gifts of Dr. Willie Wilson.
We thank the following distinguish guests for sharing their remarks with our audience:
Michael Frerich – Illinois State Treasurer
Raymond Lopez – Chicago Alderman
Aurelia Pucinski – Judge at Illinois Appellate Court
Well known singer, Jacek Adamski, accompanied on piano by Jerzy Jabłoński, performed the hit “Unchained Melody”. An excellent, new group on the Polish scene – Niebo – performed two songs, “Hallelujah” and “Amazing Grace”.
To conclude our program, Walter Bochenek led everyone’s singing the old hit of the Wild West, “My Pony, My Rifle and Me” … a big hit with our guests!
Montrose Deli, one of the sponsors of the Voice of Congress Program, prepared a delicious buffet and a sweet table.
See our Gallery for more photos.
The following is the article by Mr. Andrzej Brach in a print version of the w weekly magazine “Program”.
See our Gallery for more photos.
[June 2, 2021]
We cordially invite you to our 1st Year Anniversary celebration of the PAC IL “Voice of Congress” Radio Program, WPNA 1490, Thursdays at 8:00 PM.
The festivities will take place at Copernicus Center, 5216 W. Lawrence Ave. Chicago, on Friday, June 11, 2021 at 7:30 PM. Free parking at the Center. We are planning an interesting artistic program and excellent refreshments along with hors d’oeuvres. Cost is $20.00 per person.
You can purchase tickets using link https://www.pacillinois.org/register/ or by calling Michael @ 773-415-1818 or Jacek @ 847-212-2661. Due to limited space tickets WILL NOT BE SOLD at the entrance. To avoid disappointment please reserve early.
Serdecznie zapraszamy was na uroczystości uczczenia 1 Rocznicy emisji programu radiowego “Głos Kongresu”, WPNA 1490 AM, każdy czwartek o godzinie 8:00 wieczorem.
Uroczystość rozpoczyna się w Centrum Kopernika, 5216 W. Lawrence Ave. Chicago, w piątek, 11 czerwca, o godzinie 7:30 wieczorem. Parking przy Centrum gratis. Planujemy ciekawy program artystyczny a także wyśmienite przekąski i napoje. Koszt $20.00 od osoby.
Bilety można zakupić używając link https://www.pacillinois.org/register/ lub dzwoniąc do Michael @ 773-415-1818 lub Jacek @ 847-212-2661. Z powodu ograniczonej ilości miejsc, bilety NIE BĘDĄ SPRZEDAWANE przy wejściu. Żeby uniknąć rozczarowania, prosimy rezerwować bilety wcześniej.
Michael M. Niedziński
Polish American Congress, Illinois Division