Home Annual St. Joseph’s Day Celebration

    Annual St. Joseph’s Day Celebration

    March 15, 2020 @ 12:00 pm – 3:00 pm
    Lone Tree Manor
    7730 N. Milwaukee Ave.
    $40 per person

    St. Joseph Celebration organizowane przez Council of Educators in Polonia (Radę Nauczycieli Polonijnych) w niedzielę, 15 marca, 2020 o godz. 12 w Lone Tree Manor połączone z rozdaniem nagród w essay contest for high schools and elementary school students oraz konkursu Young Talent Award. Więcej informacji w ulotkach ponizej.

    The Council of Educators in Polonia
    Invite You to Their Annual St. Joseph’s Day Celebration

    Sunday, March 15, 2020
    Lone Tree Manor
    7730 N. Milwaukee Ave., Niles, IL
    Starting 12:00 p.m. (promptly)
    Cost: $40.00 per person
    (Raffle and silent auction following)

    Please mail your reservation and check to:
    Barbara Aeberly
    3031 N Lotus, Chicago, IL 60641

    All checks should be made to: “The Council of Educators in Polonia”
    (Mail by March 9, 2020)

    Any inquires direct to jnocula@yahoo.com

    Donations to Council of Educators if I cannot come to event.

    (Donations for the raffle and silent auction will be kindly appreciated)

    Special Notice:
    For details about various contests please click on the following images:


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